česky deutsch rusky The Fairy-Tale Family hotel
Discount on loyalty 10%
Discount on the length
of staying 10%
Child up to two years free of charge, child up to 12 years with 50% discount (accompanied by two adult guests)
Penzion Pohádka
Husova 67
379 01 Třeboň
mobil: 774 987 656


valid from 3.1.2024

Season Price (guest/night)
Price (guest/night) including kitchen and bath
Surcharge for using just one bed
January - June 880 CZK 880 CZK 880 CZK
July - August 1150 CZK 1150 CZK 1150 CZK
September - October 880 CZK 880 CZK 880 CZK
November 700 CZK 700 CZK 700 CZK
December 880 CZK 880 CZK 880 CZK

Surcharge for a dog: 350 CZK/night

The 13th bedchamber occupied by four adult guests
- 20% discount on price of each guest